Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The BEST Raw/ Vegan/ Paleo Brownie, ever.

Seriously, My husband will tell me that most "healthy" desserts I make taste like shit, but he said this one was very delicious.  That means a lot. This brownie is so healthy that you could eat it for breakfast.

*If you want this to be raw make sure that you use only raw cacao powder and raw nuts.

-1 8oz package of dates
-1/2 cup of coarsely chopped almonds -these will be added during the last step
-1/2 cup of unsweetened/dried coconut
-1 cup of GOOD cocoa/cacao powder -dont buy the cheap stuff, you can add extra cocoa powder if you'd like your brownie extra dark!
 - 1 1/2 cup of pecans (or cashews- pecans are preferable)
-1 1/2 cup of walnuts
-2 pinches of salt
-1 T coconut oil (optional)

1. In a vitamix or food processor add the coconut, walnuts, pecans/cashews, cocoa and salt together. Blend on high until powdery.
2. Add the dates in one at a time until all are blended in the mix.  The mix should resemble a crumb cake like topping (see picture below) add more dates if it isn't crumby enough.
3. Pour out mixture into a parchment/wax lined 9x9 pan.
4. Fold half of the chopped almonds into the mixture.
6. Press mixture down into pan until flat. Sprinkle the rest of the almonds on top.
7. Refridgerate until 20 minutes before you're ready to serve.  This should keep for a week in your refridgerator and 6 months in your freezer.
8. Cut into equal parts with a sharp knife while cold, and this is important-- SERVE at room termperature!  You can also freeze the pieces individually and grab one out of the freezer when you want a sweet treat. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Raw Kale Salad

First off, not that anyone is reading this blog, but I've been MIA.  I've actually been cooking and creating A LOT, just not taking pictures of it or writing down recipes...  I'm excited to post some new things soon, once I take some pictures and write down the amount of everything that I add instead of eye-balling it...  In the mean time, here's something really simple and really delicious.

Kale is in right now, super in, the super food of the year.  I've always liked kale and would eat it in my juice/smoothie or sauteed.  Then, I thought I'd try it raw.  Raw Kale is BY FAR my favorite way to eat it- with a nice dressing and some fruit.

Here's one of my favorite ways.

-A bunch of kale, stems removed and roughly cut
-1 fresh orange, sectioned.
-2 tbsp of unsweetened coconut
-2 tbsp of unsalted pepitas
Dress with:
-1 freshly squeezed lemon
-1 tbsp of olive oil
-a handful of roughly chopped cilantro
-salt to taste

-you can also change the fruit up and add strawberries, apples, or pears.